How to Backup Data on RHEL/CentOS via DVD


Data backup is the process of making copies of data in order to protect and restore original files whenever data loss happens. Aside from automated routine data backup, this method does not protect against failure and natural disasters. This is where off-site data backup comes in.


To establish an off-site backup of important data such as website and configuration files, and database, by copying and burning it to a removable media via DVD.

Sample Scenario:

We need to backup the webserver files and database, and burn it on DVD disc.


1.    Website Files
important directories:

Assuming you have weekly backup @ FLTWWW01, we can just copy that file in format:

2.    Database

For a consistent copy of database backup, read lock should be implemented on the database. Fortunately, we can do it on the slave database server without interrupting the MySQL service.

Write a script that will be run on FLTVMM1-DBSERVER to stop the slave,read lock and dump the database to a certain location.
date=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d-%H`

/usr/bin/mysqladmin –user=root –password=password stop-slave
/usr/bin/mysqldump –user=root –password=password –lock-all-tables –all-databases > /storage/temp/backup-${date}.sql
/usr/bin/mysqladmin –user=root –password=password start-slave
/bin/tar zcvf backup-${date}.sql.tar.gz backup-${date}.sql



Backup Data on DVD

1. First install the package dvd+rw-tools
#yum install dvd+rw-tools

2. check if dvd drive is present by displaying the information about disk drive
dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd

3. Create the ISO image
# mkisofs -r -o /tmp/var-www-disk1.iso /var/www

Website Files: (1st DVD)
@FLTVMM1   → /storage/lun1/BACKUP/www/application

#cd /storage/lun1/BACKUP/www/temp
#mkisofs -r -o wwwprod.iso /storage/lun1/BACKUP/www/application/

Database: (2nd DVD)

#cd /storage/temp
#./ (can be scheduled automatically, hours before offsite backup)
#mkisofs -r -o database.iso /storage/temp/backup-yyyymmdd-hh.tar.gz

4. Write the ISO onto the DVD
Website Files:
# growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/storage/lun1/BACKUP/www/temp/wwwprod.iso

# growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/storage/temp/database.iso

5. To append more data for same DVD [Optional]
# growisofs -M /dev/dvd /tmp/file1


1. To verify if data was burned successfully, insert the DVD on the drive and mount it

#mkdir /mnt/dvd
#mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd

2. List the files and archive
#ls -lah /mnt/dvd
#tar -tf  file.tar.gz


Website Files:
1.    Create the mount directory if not exists
#mkdir /mnt/dvd
2.    Mount the DVD
#mount -t auto /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd
3.    Decompress the files in a particular directory
#cd /tmp
#tar zxvf
#tar zxvf
4. Select the files/folder that you need and copy to a specific directory

1. Create the mount directory if not exists
#mkdir /mnt/dvd
2. Mount the DVD
#mount -t auto /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd
3.    Decompress the  sql file in a particular directory
#cd /tmp
#tar zxvf backup-yyyymmdd-hh.tar.gz
4.    A .sql file will be decompress
5.    Restore a specific database using the mysql command
#mysql -u root -p databasename < backup-yyyymmdd-hh.sql

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