Free Linux Tutorials.
I am no guru. I am just a simple Linux enthusiast who wants to share my experience on working with Linux Operating System for several years now. It’s time to return back the favor for what I’ve learned and share what is free like Linux.
This website was made to teach in my own little ways some of the things I have experience. To share but not to bash or brag about or compare with other OS.
All tutorials posted on this website is originally created by the blog author. If other post quotes,documents,articles taken from an external source, a request or permission to post was initiated, and provided back links to the original site/author.
Same goes with my site. The tutorials presented are free for all to share and distribute as long it is approved by the author or at least provide back links to my website. The author never copied contents from someone’s post. I spend time in writing those tutorials and were tested, simulated and implemented in development and production environment.
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It’s Free. Enjoy the Tutorials. May the force of Linux be with you. Cheers!